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Faith • Culture • CollaborationEducation • Innovation • Collaboration

Cultivation • Transformative • Historical • Engagement


Our department is the “Think Tank,” of the church. That means that our mission extends beyond mere documentation; it encompasses utilizing our rich historical narrative as a catalyst for continued education, community empowerment, and spiritual growth. This comprehensive plan outlines strategies to leverage our history, by establishing a continuing education arm for the church, a research hub that includes a Faith Scholars Program, and secure funding through grant writing to support the local church. How do you do that?


Continued Education:

  • Online Learning Platform: Establish an online platform featuring courses, lectures, and discussion forums, ensuring accessibility to individuals worldwide and fostering a global community of learners united by our shared history and faith and we enhance historical consciousness (teach through our history) given what going on today as well as how it may be used to enhance our church/communities.

    • Workshops and Seminars: Organize regular workshops and seminars led by knowledgeable historians, theologians, and community leaders, providing opportunities for deep exploration of key historical themes and their relevance to contemporary issues. 

    • Curriculum Development: Develop engaging educational materials that delve into the historical context of our faith, incorporating multimedia resources, interactive activities, and accessible formats suitable for diverse learning.


Research Hub/Oral History Archives: 


  • Create a comprehensive archive of oral histories from members of our faith community, particularly focusing on narratives from historically disinvested communities. Utilize advanced archiving techniques to preserve these invaluable accounts for future generations and use it to enhance our church and community.

    • Research Initiatives: Launch research projects using an interdisciplinary approach, utilizing the oral history archives as primary sources, investigating topics such as community resilience, social justice movements, and the intersection of faith and activism.  Translate research/theory into practice that can be used by our churches. Collaborate with academic institutions and community organizations to enhance the scope and impact of these initiatives and offer resources and support to empower grassroots efforts for positive change. Organize community events, exhibitions, and storytelling sessions to promote dialogue, healing, and reconciliation.

    • Faith Scholars Program: Launch a Faith Scholars Program aimed at nurturing emerging scholars passionate about exploring the intersection of faith, history, and social justice. 

      • Provide mentorship, and research grants to support their academic pursuits and amplify their voices within our faith community and beyond using an Interdisciplinary Approach. This approach will encourage interdisciplinary research that bridges theology, history, sociology, and other relevant fields, fostering innovative perspectives and solutions to complex challenges facing our society. 

      • Public Engagement: Facilitate opportunities for Faith Scholars to share their research findings through publications, presentations, and community outreach initiatives, enriching public discourse and contributing to the intellectual vibrancy of our faith community.

Grant Writing and Funding (Development Team): 

  • Identify Funding Opportunities: Conduct thorough research to identify potential funding sources, including government grants, philanthropic foundations, and corporate sponsorships, aligned with our mission and strategic priorities. 

  • Grant Proposal Development: Utilize expertise in grant writing to provide resources and consultation to help local churches craft compelling proposals that articulate the significance of their historical engagement initiatives, demonstrate their potential impact, and align with the priorities of prospective funders.

  • Cultivate Donor Relationships: Foster relationships with donors and funding agencies through personalized communication, networking events, and site visits, showcasing the tangible outcomes of our programs and the transformative power of historical engagement within our faith community.



  • By implementing this comprehensive plan, we will not only preserve and share our history but also use it and teach through it to inspire learning, promote social justice, and cultivate a thriving faith community. Through continued education, research innovation, the nurturing of future scholars, and strategic fundraising efforts, we will advance our mission of supporting a healthy mindset and fostering positive change within our church and the wider society.

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